Tuesday, May 20, 2008


2 Royals, 2 Kings, 6 Cities, 2 States and a plateau!!
But would they smell as sweet? The IPL

So what’s in a name… when given eight IPL teams to moniker/brand isn’t it possible to come up with 8 unique adjectives/nouns that describe them without any overlap at all??!!

And what’s with the lame adjectives?!?

Is a Royal Challenger, better than just any ole plebian challenger??
Is a Super King a super sized obese king??
Where do the substitutes of Kings XI get counted??

Oh! I get it, the Mumbai Indians – so as not to be confused with the Mumbai Pakistanis, the Mumbai Kuwaitis, the Mumbai Argentineans or the Mumbai Japanese.

And what’s all this talk of 2 kings and 2 royals?? Rajah/Maharajah Relapse Syndrome.

So two of the teams felt that they had to go with the names of the whole state (cause they had "Renamed City envy") but what about Hyderabad laying claim to the whole friggin plateau?

And only the renamed cities got their own teams....
