Monday, November 26, 2007

a 40something + SN

My son (362 FB friends) and friend (17 FB friends) ask me to try it out. So I get on Facebook.

Day 1. All is calm, all is fine. Upload a picture, kinda fill out a profile. Sit and wait, sit and wait.

Day 2. A couple of my 20something acquaintances have found me and I confirm them. I respond to some pokes and some writings on my wall. I am a socially networked butterfly now.

Day 3. Someone buys me a free virtual beer. Someone else rejects my advances. Someone wants me to upload a real pic not my passport pic, another tells me I am connected via another. I respond to a few more pokes and messages . Ooh some one just bit me...this is funner than email!!

Day 4. My email tells me I have joined Yaari. My email tells me that my Plaxo wants me to define my real friends vs social-network friends. What a snob! MySpace comes calling thru another email from a now-ex-friend. My Facebook has 326 inbox/wall/poke entries. Where are my Outlook filters when I need them most?? I am SNing in volume.

Day 5. FB = 84 friends. Plaxo = 70 friends. MS = 84 friends (but none in common with FB). Yaari is still trying to break my resolve. Xanga and Friendster seem to have joined forces with Yaari to try and beat me down. I love Outlook!

Day 6. Flickr and Picasa claim SN DNA via
My tags my Digg.
My Orcut sends a salvo into my Yahoo!360.
I WAYN via Zoomr while I also StumbleUpon Twitter.
I Soundpedia my iTunes while hi5-ing my LinkedIn.
Just MEETin and my friends is tiring me.
My Snooth is now
My is all Pownced.
My Sametime is AIMing for my Messenger.

My sh*t son has 3,481 FB friends, while I have 38 passwords to my 15 usernames.

My 43things just became 1433. This SN stuff does not speak well of Intelligent Design.

Meanwhile: tkohli7140, thekohlimiester22, biggaboytk32, mostlyharmless42, kohleetee, SNgod-tktktk, MeSoYoungWannabe, KewlTK*4 and TeeKay## are available for all those who are having trouble creating usernames. I just switched back to pulse dial-up. I need a real beer!

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